Why is STEAM important?
As the world progresses, science, technology, engineering, art, and math will only advance with it. In addition, STEAM drives the economy and provides opportunities to those involved. Often STEM is overlooked as a viable career path for most groups but especially so for urban groups. The portrayal often is that there is no interest in STEM, but that is not true. There is genuine interest in STEM careers within the urban community. The real issue is providing our local communities the tools, resources, and education in STEM to feed that curiosity that for so long has been overlooked. Urban citizens are underrepresented in STEM, so to counteract that, we need to provide STEM role models and mentors excited to teach their community from the youngest to the oldest members. The stats on this page will paint the bigger picture, but we will see the interest is there by the end. We need to bring the resources to the people.